Japan Day 3: Running and Relaxing!

by Haley on November 22, 2011

This morning I made a HUGE mistake – I agreed to go for a run with Mary’s husband Charlie and his friend Rico. And I learned that Marines have two speeds: fast and CRAZY FAST! I was determined not to act like a total weakling in front of two Marines, so despite a lot of huffing and puffing, I managed to hang on for dear life. And I felt so good post-run, I suppose that wasn’t such a bad decision after all!

Lucky for me, Mar and I had a relatively relaxing day planned. The day kicked-off with a trip to Cocok Nail Salon, where I got the most amazing pedicure of my life!

From the complimentary ice tea, to the ocean view, to the thousands of intricate nail designs to choose from – I was in heaven!


I went with a pretty blue/green pattern, and Mar chose a bumblebee motif to match her upcoming baby shower theme. So cute!


Next we decided to grab some lunch at a Japanese Hippie Bagel Shop. I admit, I was not expecting to hear Phish and see an employee with floor-length dreads at a Japanese restaurant! So much for stereotypes!


But the atmosphere was great and the food was delicious! The bagel on the right is actually an Oreo bagel, which might even give the trail mix bagel from BB’s in Atlanta a little competition!


I closed the day with a visit to the pool where Mary coaches. The pool heater wasn’t working, so the crowd was unusually small. But the kids who were there were all smiles (even the one without a wetsuit!).


And Mar was right in her element on the pool deck!


Thanks to a little pampering (I am on vacation after all!) I’m feeling re-charged and ready to take on new sights tomorrow!

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Mary D..... I mean Mohler November 22, 2011 at 11:37 am

I promise I don’t beat the kids with the hammer on the side of the pool!! It’s just to keep the workouts from blowing away I swear!!


Brent Pease November 22, 2011 at 6:28 pm

What give BB’s a run for the money?!?
I will take your word for it but sheesh…
Enjoy the vacay see you soon


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