Japan Day 5: Thanksgiving Day Ride!

by Haley on November 24, 2011

Today, and every day, I am extremely thankful for all the amazing people in my life. My family and friends near and far make my days so much more enjoyable, and I can never really express enough gratitude.

This year, I got a special Thanksgiving treat when Mary and Charlie’s friends, Rico and Kerri, leant me a bike so I could tag along with Charlie, Rico, and some other super-cool Marines for a scenic ride around Okinawa.

At first, riding on the left side of the road felt really weird, and I was super focused on just riding! But eventually I relaxed a little and took in the sights.

Our ultimate goal was this lighthouse at Cape Zampa:


The route we took was absolutely gorgeous! At times I was riding with the ocean on my left and sugar cane fields on my right! It was surreal! We stopped a couple times to check out the view and the waves crashing onto the cliffs below!


We passed what has to be the world’s largest Shishi:


And I couldn’t pass up a pic of these massive paper mâché pigs and bull outside an Okinawan Meat Company:


It was quite possibly the most scenic ride I’ve ever been on – and am so grateful I had the opportunity to go!


I was also very thankful for the amazing Thanksgiving feast Mary prepared! Shamefully, I was too busy eating to take any pics, but the meal was EPIC in every way! And with Mary in the kitchen, you can rest assured the dessert was equally impressive!


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