Blood Lactate Testing Day!

by Haley on February 7, 2012

Blood and needles are pretty much my least favorite things in the world. Yep, right up there with spiders and insects. So when Coach Diablo suggested I do a blood lactate test, I had only one thought:

“No way Jose!”

I resisted for a really long time. But eventually I gave in for 3 reasons:

(1) I actually do want to get faster

(2) Diablo is usually right about things

(3) Everyone else was doing it!

So, what is a blood lactate test? I stole this from the Dynamo Multisport website and highlighted the important parts:

Basically, the test would give me an idea of my current fitness level and help me figure out what kind of training I need to do going forward.

I would be riding my bike on an indoor trainer (with power, to allow for measured intensity). Every couple minutes Diablo or his cronie, Shanks, would prick my finger, squeeze out a drop of the precious red stuff, and take a blood lactate reading. The number would show how hard I was working. Over time, the bike intensity would increase, and so would my blood lactate level and heart rate until…

(Just kidding. Sort of.)

When I showed up for my test I got a little preview courtesy of Michael. He was almost finished and was seriously killing it! Everyone else in the room was cheering him on. FIND A WAY MIKEY!!!

I was actually very happy to see Michael’s anguish seemed to come more from his effort on the bike and not the tiny pin pricks in his finger. Hey – I can handle that kind of pain! Things were looking up!

I got on the bike and did a quick warm-up before the games began.

In the beginning, everything was really easy. I just focused on Kathryn’s awesome music mix and maintaining a good cadence. But gradually things started getting harder and harder and harder.

Before I knew it I was drenched in sweat, practically drooling all over myself, and using every single muscle fiber in my being just to keep the pedals turning over. I could hear people cheering and Diablo calling for 30 more seconds. I tried to keep going, but eventually…CRASH. The train wreck came to a screeching halt.  My legs had had ENOUGH.

The good news is Coach and I actually got some really good data from the test. It turns out I’m in a really good spot for February, but I still have plenty of room for improvement. I also have some new heart rate and power zones I’m ready to put to good use!

The other good news is the pin pricks really didn’t hurt that bad. Or maybe I’m not that afraid of needles anymore? Now if only I could figure out how to toughen up around roaches…

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Shanks February 7, 2012 at 1:11 pm

The best part was…
Diablo: “30 more seconds, come on Haley!” … then 30 seconds later… “30 more seconds, you can do this!”
I was scratching my head… ahh didn’t you say 30 seconds, 30 seconds ago? haha


Haley February 7, 2012 at 1:38 pm

What?! I thought I was just really bad at counting! Thanks for your help Shanks!


Carmetatri February 7, 2012 at 8:06 pm

Haven’t done one of those in many years since my swimmer ‘life’ but Diablo on this picture looks as friendly as my former coach :)


Reuben February 9, 2012 at 1:24 am

Wow – great post. Sounds intense and like something I never want to experience haha. I used to have to do treadmill tests when I was younger because of the heart issues I had. They were tough, but nothing like what you did!


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