TYR Swim Set of the Week and Mt. Lemmon Fun!

by Haley on February 21, 2014

It’s that time of year! Time for big miles in the pool and on the road. I made the most of my time in Tucson with several great swims, a few runs, and TWO trips up Mount Lemmon!

tucson_lemmonHillary and I with the best looking kits on the mountain! Yay Smash!!

Mt. Lemmon is the iconic 20+ mile Tucson climb with SPECTACULAR views:


The climb starts around 3000 ft. elevation in the cactus-filled desert, and finishes above 8000 feet in pine trees and even snow! For people familiar with the North Georgia Gaps, I would compare Lemmon to climbing the long side of Woody Gap, but four times as long!

The road conditions are ideal, there’s barely any traffic, and the fairly low steady grade and breathtaking views made me love this climb so much, I went back the next day!


Five miles past what most people consider the “top” of the climb at mile marker 25 is the town of Summerhaven, home of the famous Cookie Cabin!


No, I didn’t eat that all myself, but yes, it was as good as it looks!!!

The Mt. Lemmon descent is a blast, but I would definitely suggest packing arm warmers, gloves, and even a light jacket. It can be 88 degrees at the base, and FREEZING at the top. And descending is much more fun when your fingers aren’t too frozen to brake!


In the spirit of giant climbs, this week’s TYR Swim Set of the Week is a bit longer than normal. I did this workout while out in AZ and it was a tough one!! But every once in a while I think it’s good to challenge myself with some hard swimming on short intervals, and this set does just that! Give it a try, and I give you permission to reward yourself with a cookie afterwards!

Screen Shot 2014-02-21 at 10.37.56 AM

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D'Arcy Toffolo February 21, 2014 at 4:56 pm

Haley, thanks for “friending” me. I am not only a huge Hillary Biscay fan, and have enjoyed a few smashfests of my own, but I also swim alongside, er, share a lane with Katy Blakemore once a week. She was kind enough to share your 10K swim set with me, which I did at 15 weeks pregnant on Monday. I plan to do 2 other 10Ks during the course of my pregnancy. I am not a fan of the 100×100 approach, I appreciate the variety! Have a great racing season! -D’Arcy in Denver


Haley February 22, 2014 at 1:14 am

Hey D’Arcy! Three 10k swims during pregnancy is incredible!! Way to go!! The little one is sure to be a swimmer!!!


Barb Cocci February 24, 2014 at 8:52 pm

Hi Haley. Just want to say thanks for sharing your swim workouts. I am preparing for a few open water swims come June or so. I am enjoying the variety of the pool workouts despite not being a “competitor” myself. Plus I live in the Northeast so am also enjoying all your warm weather photos. Best of luck to you in all your endeavors!


Ryan February 26, 2014 at 4:27 pm

I did this set yesterday – thanks for the suggestion!

Wasn’t sure if the first 5 with paddles were intended to be with the buoy or without, but I used it for those 5 because I was lazy.


Haley February 27, 2014 at 3:38 pm

I rarely use a buoy because I’m too lazy to carry it around in my bag. Same with a kick board! Unless I’m in Tucson and Hillary Biscay makes me! You are welcome to use whatever toys you prefer!!


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